the logo for inter-faces on a black background



AI & Education: Ally, Adversary or Alignment?

JUNE 28 FRI 10:00-11:00A HKT


a black and white photo of a man wearing glasses and a tie
a man in a white shirt is posing for a photo

Sohan - building AI personalised tutors for all@Flint (YCS23)

Justin - enabling AI-ready educators @Episcopal Academy

Jason - solving own study problems with AI@PDF2Anki / HKU

a black and white photo of a person
a black and white photo of a woman in a white shirt
a black and white photo of a woman standing in front of a building

Rexan - building AI apps as highschooler @VideoFast / HKIS

Sarah - making STEM edu fun & relevant @BigBangAcademy

Ellen - making tech & AI ed accessible to everyone @Preface

a black and white photo of a man with glasses
a black and white photo of a man with a beard
a black and white photo of a man in a t - shirt

Justin - bringing educators in APAC together@21CLHK

Cyron - empowering next gen of AI-ready makers@MakerBay

Ritchie - bridging the gap b/w employers & learners @Xchool

and a few more friends who care about education & AI.

Inter-faces is a community exploring practical ways to use AI in big teams and organizations. Presented by Inspect Element and Xchool. Inspect Element is an AI venture builder headquartered in HK.